Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Lighthearted Discussion on the Necessity of a Divine Creator - Part Four


Like a million years ago, in Part Three of this series (One, Two), I promised that next time (this time) we'd explore the word 'nothing' and see if we couldn't figure out what it's all about. It's actually not all that complicated, but happens to be so simple that it's very easy to get confused thinking about it, expecting it to be more complex than it actually is and getting lost in an infinite thought loop.

No one wants that for you, so, allow me to make good on my promise.

Nothing isn't air or empty space or the 'vacuum' inside those 'vacuum-sealed' storage bags if you were to seal them before adding things to preserve - perhaps some fruit or fish... a neatly-folded blouse, maybe, a recently-deceased pet gerbil - Nothing isn't even what's going on in the brains of the Kardashians (there may not be actual thought per se but they move around, shop, and say things, so there is some activity).

Like I said before, nothing is very VERY literally no thing.

Nothing is so nothing that it's not even technically correct to refer to it as 'it.'

Nothing is not an 'it.'

It's a 'non-it.'

Like Aristotle famously said, "Nothing is what rocks dream about."

('Nothing' is also what my 3-year-old daughter says when she's doing something she ought not and is asked what she's doing, but that's a different kind of 'nothing.')

Now, before you go thinking too hard about Aristotle's statement, knowing that Aristotle was a very intelligent dude and maybe expecting him to have imbued this quote with some deeper, hidden meaning, I want you to stop thinking.

Stop. Right now!

Okay, thank you. I'm sorry I was wroth.

You see, Aristotle's quote here, it's not any deeper than it is on the surface. In fact, there is only surface.

Rocks do not possess the ability to dream.

Therefore, rocks do not dream.

They have no dreams.

Much like altruistic motivations in politics, rock dreams are nonexistent.



Let's try and think of an analogy that might resound better with modern society...

Nothing is...

Help me out.

Nothing is...

Never mind. Aristotle said it best. I guess there's no improving on perfection.

Well, I think that's about all I want to say about nothing.

Thanks for tuning in. I think maybe I'll go on ahead and end this series here.

Until next time,

Peace, love, and a third thing.

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