Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Ingenious Master Plan for Daily Blogging

I have delved deep within my disturbed psyche in search of order and have emerged victorious! I've gotten in touch with that long lost part of me that possesses the ability to organize and plan something other than worship sets, and have carefully crafted (read: hastily thrown together) the following structure for blogging every weekday. Just between you and me, though, I’ll be lucky if I follow this even three tenths of the time, but even that is better than once-in-a-who-knows-how-long like I have been doing. Here’s the plan!

Mediocre Movie Review Mondays- On some Mondays I will be reviewing movies, in a mediocre manner. Or just reviewing mediocre movies. Or both. Probably both.

Tuesday Newsday- How about I write some news on Tuesdays? Chances are I'll just make it up, but maybe not.

What the?! Wednesdays- On hump-day every week I will be serving up hot, fresh factoids to satisfy your insatiable appetite for new and interesting information. I aim to amaze and astound even the best armchair Jeopardy players among you. This is the day for the Fortean fanatics. I'll be writing about the strange and unusual, the unnatural and unexplained. What the?! Wednesdays! Be there or be stepped on by Bigfoot and subsequently eaten, digested, and excreted by Nessy, only to have your genetic material taken aboard a flying saucer and mixed with alien DNA to produce a hybrid being that looks like Steve Buscemi’s uglier nephew, who will someday climb the ranks of the Illuminati to rule the New World Order with an iron fist, a tiny, deformed iron fist. Do you really want that for yourself? (Fortean Fridays have been merged with What the?! Wednesdays in order to make room for the fiction category - see Fiction Fridays)

Theology Thursdays- Ah yes… theology. This is that special day of the week when we can crack open our dusty Bibles and rehash old material, walking upon well-trodden ground as we piously offer up righteous prayers in the holiest of vernacular… Not! 

I totally got you, didn’t I? Just admit it. Anyway, we will be doing the exact opposite on Thursdays, this most blessed of days, named after the Norse god Thor. There will be pretty frequent entries concerning the theology of worship, since I am a worship leader, but we'll cover all kinds of interesting subjects. Theology will be intriguing on this day, I tell you, or my name’s not Thomas Jefferson. But seriously, it will, and that's not my name.

Fiction Fridays- This is the day you will literally wait most of the week for, because on Fridays I will be writing whatever I want. Which is also what I do the other four days, but Friday it's all from my imagination! I will be writing one-shot short stories as well as series' as they come to me. Perhaps I'll even write canonical stories for one of my comic book series..... Please check it out and leave me some feedback.

Q and A Sundays- If someone happens to ask me a question I may answer it on a Sunday. May...

There you have it, a schedule we can all appreciate, or at least all agree that it is indeed a schedule, for better or for worse. So, you know if you just aren't into theological stuff you can pop in Wednesday for a heaping helping of “what the?!” then skip Thursday and come back Friday to read some crazy stuff I thought up all by myself. 

Lastly, I implore you, please click anything on the screen that says anything like, “follow,” “like,” “share,” or “donate large sums of money.” It will really help me out, and it will help you out, ‘cause if you want me to keep churning out awesome articles like some enslaved monkey that churns out awesome articles for your personal enjoyment I need to know you’re reading and enjoying.

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